Social engagement is a heartfelt matter:
Kissel + Wolf GmbH donates 20,000 Euros
True to its Christmas-time tradition, Kissel + Wolf GmbH has again made a significant donation to charity, in lieu of giving presents to customers and business partners. The Managing Director of this medium-sized family company based in Wiesloch, Tammo Hess, said, “Social engagement is something we feel in our hearts and as a regional company, we wish to engage in a strong social partnership with our staff and the people in our local area.” With this precept in mind, Kissel + Wolf GmbH has donated the sum of 20,000 Euros to a number of different social institutions in the region.
The recipients are: the Wiesloch branches of the German Red Cross, the Malteser Organisation, the Fire Brigade Cadets, the Agape Hospice Friends Association, as well as the Children’s’ Hospice “Sterntaler” in Dudenhofen, the Animal Protection Association of Wiesloch-Walldorf & District, the Kindergarten “Zipfelmützen” in Wiesloch and the DKMS (Fighting against Blood Cancer) in Tübingen.
Kissel + Wolf GmbH has, moreover, been honoured for its 50-year membership of the Wiesloch Red Cross with a certificate of appreciation. During this ceremony, the company handed over the cheque to the Red Cross, for onward distribution to all the recipients.